Partnering for a Cause: NM Rapids Soccer Club

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At The Gift of Soccer Foundation, our mission to empower underprivileged youth through soccer is strengthened by the power of partnerships. Collaborations with schools, businesses, and other organizations help us extend our reach, amplify our impact, and bring the joy of soccer to even more children around the world. One of our most successful and impactful partnerships has been with New Mexico Rapids Soccer Club. (formerly Rio Rapids Soccer Club) 

Rio Rapids: A Partnership Built on Shared Values

New Mexico Rapids Soccer Club, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been a steadfast partner of The Gift of Soccer Foundation for years. Their commitment to giving back to the community aligns perfectly with our mission. Each year, Executive Director, Jason Moran, donates unused soccer warmups, ensuring that these valuable resources are put to good use rather than going to waste. They are generous to put up a donation bin at their office during our donation drives.

Making a Global Impact: From New Mexico to the World

NM Rapids Soccer Club is gracious to put a donation bin at their office for families to donate their soccer gear. This makes it convenient and easy for families to donate to us.

The donations from NM Rapids are meticulously sorted, cleaned, and repackaged by our dedicated volunteers. We are lucky to have NM Rapids players help us with this step. NM  Rapids’ Teams have chosen The Gift of Soccer as their community service project.

These uniforms, gear, and warmups are then shipped to various locations around the world, reaching children in need. From local communities in New Mexico to remote villages in Ecuador, Grenada, Mexico, and Zimbabwe, the impact of these donations is far-reaching. Take a look at the Rio Jerseys and the joy in the kids who receive them.

A special Thank You to all of the NM Rapids Players, Coaches and Families that have participated in the amazing effort.

Success Story

In a recent distribution, a shipment of warmups from NM Rapids made its way to a small village in the Amazon basin of Ecuador. The gear was delivered by Janira Tucker and a group of high school students from Hope Christian School in Albuquerque, who crossed a large river by canoe and hiked through jungle terrain to reach the village. The children’s faces lit up with joy as they received the warmups, each piece a symbol of hope and opportunity.

Amplifying Impact: Beyond Gear Donations

Our partnership with NM Rapids extends beyond just the donation of gear. Rio Rapids has a strong community service initiative that they instill in their players. We have been the recipient of many teams community service projects.

Together, we have organized community events, fundraising campaigns, and educational programs that promote the values of teamwork, leadership, and resilience. These initiatives not only support our mission but also strengthen the bond between our organizations and the communities we serve.

Looking Ahead: Continuing to Grow Together

As we look to the future, we are excited to continue our partnership with NM Rapids and explore new ways to amplify our impact. The ongoing support from NM Rapids enables us to reach more children, provide more resources, and create more opportunities for young athletes around the world.

We are currently planning a collaborative campaign with NM Rapids Soccer Club to expand our gear collection efforts and increase community engagement. This campaign will involve local businesses, schools, and soccer clubs, all working together to support The Gift of Soccer Foundation’s mission.

Conclusion: The Power of Partnership

The collaboration between The Gift of Soccer Foundation and NM Rapids Soccer Club is a testament to the power of partnership. By working together, we can achieve greater impact, reach more children, and make a lasting difference in the world. We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support from NM  Rapids and look forward to continuing this incredible journey together.

If you or your organization are interested in partnering with us, we invite you to reach out. Together, we can give the gift of soccer and transform lives, one partnership at a time. Visit our website to learn more about how you can get involved.

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