Blog News: Latest News & Stories

Welcome to The Gift of Soccer Foundation Blog News! Here, we share inspiring stories, important updates, and the latest news on our mission to bring soccer to underprivileged communities worldwide. Discover success stories, upcoming events, and gear collection drives while learning how your support is making a difference. Stay connected with our blog news to uplift communities through the beautiful game, and find out how you can get involved in changing lives.

GOS Donation 20 Guatemala Central America - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Central America, Donations

Gear for Guatemala

The Gift of Soccer Foundation is proud to partner with Rance Bland from SportsQuest Ministries in Albuquerque, NM to support an outreach donation to Guatemala. James Hutson a 14 year-old soccer player from Crossfire Soccer Club located in  Issaquah, Washington and...

GOS Donation 19 Zambia Africa - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Africa, Donations, Teach One, Zambia

A Need in Zambia

Christopher Wood, Director for Teach One International in Stoneyville, NC. He had read about us and wondered if we had gear available. We explained we had gear, but no way for us to get it to him in NC. After he told us about the village he would be traveling to,...

GOS Donation 18 Morocco Africa - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Africa, Donations, Morocco

Uniforms to Morocco

The Gift of Soccer board members personally donated gear to Morocco, Africa. We sent: 52.4 pounds of gear to Najat Abba. We sent this to them personally as there was a great need.We sent:– 18 Sets of Uniforms Navy Set– 18 Sets of Uniforms White Set– 18 Navy...

GOS Main Website Featured Image
Donations, Our News

Thank you for your Donation!

The Gift of Soccer received a generous donation from Sean Roden from Shelton, CT. His donation was given to us as he wanted to donate a percentage of his Bar Mitzvah last year to a youth soccer group. Thank you for choosing The Gift of Soccer. You have chosen a...

GOS Donation 17 Ghana Africa - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Africa, Donations, Ghana

Gear for Ghana

Rance Bland from SportQuest contacted us about a need in Ghana. His colleague, Matthew Patricks is a missionary, soccer coach/player, ecologist, and artist in the Volta Region of Ghana. He is the Director/Founder of Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center, and he...

GOS Donation 16 Albuquerque USA - Soccer Gear Delivery Featured Image
Albuquerque, Donations, North America

Filling a Need

We were contacted by Chris Hurst. Rio Rapids Soccer Club Director, about a local high school that needed soccer equipment for a new program they were starting. We coordinated with Alyse Moulton and Sean DeBuck from Health Leadership High School. We donated 21 pairs...

GOS Donation 14 Venezuela South America - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Albuquerque High School, South America

Outreach to Venezuela

The Gift of Soccer Foundation is proud to partner again with SportsQuest Ministries to support their Outreach program to Venezuela. We were fortunate to receive a generous donation from Albuquerque High School located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Lucien Starzynski...

GOS Donation 13 Haiti Central America - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Central America, Donations

Help in Haiti

The Gift of Soccer Foundation is proud to partner again with SportQuest Ministries to support their Outreach program to Haiti. Uniform donations were received from the Medina Boys Soccer Team located in Medina OH. Coach Thonny in Haiti said “These uniforms will...

GOS Donation 12 Nigeria Africa - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Africa, Donations, Nigeria

Compassion for Nigeria

The Gift of Soccer Foundation is proud to partner again with SportsQuest Ministries to support their Outreach program to the Badagry Region in Nigeria (about an hour west of Lagos). Lawson Sampson heads up the SportsQuest West Africa Missions. We were fortunate to...

GOS Donation 09 Ecuador South America - Soccer Gear Distribution Featured Image
Donations, South America

Joy in the Jungle – 2018

The Gift of Soccer Foundation is proud to partner with Rio Rapids Soccer Club and Hope Christian School to support our outreach program to Feecuador Elohim Ecuador. Albuquerque Local soccer teams volunteered their time as part of their community service commitments...