The Journey of Soccer Gear: From Donation to Delivery

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At The Gift of Soccer Foundation, each piece of soccer gear that passes through our hands represents hope, joy, and the promise of a brighter future for children around the world. But have you ever wondered about the journey this gear takes from the moment it is donated to the time it reaches the hands of a child? In this blog, we will take you through the fascinating process of collecting, repurposing, and delivering soccer gear, sharing stories from different stages of this incredible journey.

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Collection Points: The First Step

The journey begins with the generous donations from individuals, schools, clubs, and organizations. Collection points are set up in various locations, making it easy for people to drop off their gently used soccer gear. Here are some heartwarming stories from our collection points:


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Story: Community Spirit in Action

Local high schools around the country havestudents organizing soccer gear drive as part of their community service project. Over the course of a month, they collected hundreds of soccer balls, cleats, shin guards, and uniforms. The enthusiasm and dedication of these young volunteers were truly inspiring. One student, Maria, shared, “It feels amazing to know that our small effort can make such a big difference in the lives of other kids.”

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Sorting Facilities: Preparing for the Next Chapter

Once the soccer gear is collected, it is transported to a sorting location. Here, volunteers meticulously inspect each item to ensure it meets our quality standards. This stage is crucial for repurposing the gear and preparing it for its new life.

Behind the Scenes at the Sorting Facility
At our sorting facility in Albuquerque, we work to sort and clean the donated gear. Gift of Soccer co-founder, Margie Espe, talks about the next chapter of the gear. “Each piece of gear has a story, and it’s our job to make sure it’s ready for the next chapter. Knowing that this gear will bring smiles to kids’ faces makes it all worthwhile.”

Repurposing: Giving New Life to Old Gear

After sorting, the gear that needs minor repairs or cleaning is repurposed. This involves tasks such as replacing laces on cleats, mending shin guards, and washing uniforms. Our goal is to ensure that each piece of gear is in excellent condition before it reaches its final destination.

Story: The Art of Repurposing
” We take something that’s been well-loved and give it new life. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that these items will soon be cherished by children who need them.” said Ken Levandsoki, Gift of Soccer Founder. 

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Delivery: Spreading Joy Around the World

The final leg of the journey is the most rewarding. The gear reaches underserved communities around the world. In Ecuador, for example, Janira Tucker and her team from Elohim USA, Feecuador Elohim, lead the distribution efforts. They traverse challenging terrains, often crossing rivers and hiking through jungles, to bring the joy of soccer to children in remote villages. The smiles on the children’s faces when they receive their new soccer gear are priceless.

At The Gift of Soccer Foundation, we are committed to continuing this journey, ensuring that every child, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to experience the joy and benefits of soccer. If you would like to be a part of this incredible journey, consider donating your gently used soccer gear or volunteering with us. Together, we can make a lasting impact and share the gift of soccer with children around the world.

For more information on how to get involved, visit The Gift of Soccer Foundation.

Impact: Making a Difference

The impact of these donations is profound. In many cases, this gear provides more than just the ability to play soccer—it offers hope, joy, and a sense of belonging. Deb St. Onge shared a heartwarming story of how donating to The Gift of Soccer Foundation was the perfect birthday gift for her father, a lifelong soccer enthusiast. His joy at knowing he was contributing to the sport he loved was immeasurable.

Testimonials: Stories from the Field

September 25, 2022

“Margie!! Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to our students and team! We had a new student join our team this week, and he couldn’t play in our game on Friday because he didn’t have shin guards or cleats. Which he didn’t tell us until hours before the game because I think he was embarrassed. Let me know how I can help or what you need from me. Again thank you so much, ❤️ Alyse”


Frances – June 6, 2022
“This is amazing Ken!! I am thrilled to see all of the gear end up with a deserving organization! Did any of our stuff get sent anywhere else? We would love updates and pictures as you receive them. I am working with a local paper to do a story on our high school project to give the students some recognition. Thank you! Frances”

Conclusion: The Circle of Giving

The journey of donated soccer gear is a circle of giving that involves countless hands and hearts. From the moment a donor decides to contribute, through the efforts of volunteers who sort, clean, and ship the gear, to the final distribution in remote communities, each step is a collaborative effort. This journey not only delivers soccer gear but also spreads hope, joy, and the invaluable life lessons that come with playing the beautiful game.

We invite you to be a part of this incredible journey. Your donations, time, and support are what make this possible. Together, we can continue to give the gift of soccer and transform lives, one piece of gear at a time. Visit our website to learn more about how you can get involved.